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Cat-2000 Wall Models- 1

Profiling wall mounted cat trees are a new generation of modern and innovative cat trees. The suspended installation on the wall gives these cat trees a particularly aesthetic appearance. Despite only taking up a minimal amount of space, they have everything your cat’s heart desires. Suspended wall mounted cat trees leave a space underneath the cat tree – which can be used for other things – and it makes a huge difference to your cleaning efforts in day to day life. Profiling wall mounted cat trees combine design and a well-thought out cat friendly layout.

Note: The wall intended for the installation must be sufficiently stable to stand up to the
weight of the cat tree. Hollow walls are not suitable. Please note that any cat trees assembled from our modules, an intermediate plate, or any desired platform, must be placed between the wall brackets and the sisal scratch post.

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24, Senthil Industrial Estate, Diravium Nagar, Laxmi Nagar, Porur, Chennai 600116, India.

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